What is an L&I Settlement?
An L&I settlement is money paid at claim closure. There are three types:
- PERMANENT PARTIAL DISABILITY (PPD). Lump sum money for someone who can return to work. Most L&I settlements are PPD settlements. Click for more information: Permanent Partial Disability (PPD)
- PENSION. Lifetime monthly payments for someone who will never return to work again. It is the best possible settlement, the equivalent of time loss for the rest of your life. Click for information: How to Settle Your Claim with an L&I Pension
- CLAIM RESOLUTION SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT (CRSA). A CRSA settlement is for someone who doesn’t need an L&I claim. A CRSA trades away most of the L&I claim for a PPD settlement. These settlements sometimes are not fair. Click for more information: Claims Resolutions Settlement Agreements (CRSA)
How Much PPD Settlement Money Will I Get?
- The amount of PPD settlement money varies with the date of injury, the seriousness of the disability, and whether you have any liens or overpayments on your claim. What you do to help yourself is also very important.
- The date of injury is important because each year, L&I increases the amount of money it will pay for a particular disability. Your scheduled amount is, in part, based on your date of injury.
- Your impairment rating is a measure of the seriousness of your disability. Your impairment rating is done by IME doctors and/or your doctor. It makes a difference who does your rating. Pay attention and help yourself. See Independent Medical Examinations (IME)
- How to help yourself – see Permanent Partial Disability (PPD) L&I Settlement.
- See the L&I Settlement Video for more information.
When and How is an L&I PPD Settlement Paid?
L&I PPD settlement amounts are awarded at claim closure.
- Small Settlements – If the award amount is less than three times the state’s average monthly wage at the date of injury, a check for that amount is sent at claim closure.
- Larger Settlements – If the award exceeds more than three times the state’s average monthly wage at the date of injury, a down payment of that amount is made. The award balance is paid in monthly installments. That installment amount equals the worker’s monthly time-loss compensation at claim closure.
Other L&I Benefits Besides Settlement Money.
There are many other L&I benefits that are not settlements. Here is a list of the most important benefits. Get the benefits you deserve while your claim is open L&I Benefits Summary
Can I Reopen After a Settlement?
Yes, you can reopen your claim after closure if your medical condition worsens. For deadlines and other considerations, see Reopening your claim
What If I Don’t Like My Settlement Amount?
Do something about it. You can do it yourself, How To Disagree With An L&I Decision, or you can get legal representation. If you want to talk to a lawyer, contact us. Don’t wait until it’s too late. There is a 60-day deadline to protest or appeal the order setting your PPD and closing your claim. Don’t miss your deadline to protest or appeal.
What is the Permanent Partial Disability Settlement Calculator?
The settlement calculator is the L&I Disability Awards Charts.
- A Permanent Partial Disability Settlement is calculated as part of the claim closing process.
- A doctor rates your impairment as a percent of amputation value or a category of bodily impairment, and then your claim is closed.
- No settlement money until after you have an open claim, get medical care, become employable, get a rating exam and L&I closes the claim. At claim closure, L&I proposes a permanent partial disability award.
- The calculations occur when converting the rating exam to settlement dollars. The dollar figures are shown in the Permanent Partial Disability Award Charts.
Can I Cash a PPD Check and Ask for More Settlement Money?
Yes, you can cash a PPD check and ask for more. You ask for more by appealing or protesting the closing order before the 60-day deadline passes.
How Do I Settle My L&I Claim?

- This chart shows the order in which an L&I claim moves toward settlement. This will happen because L&I will push your claim toward closure.
- Take Control of Your Claim. Don’t let L&I push you into a bad settlement. Help them guide your claim in the right direction. Understand how to prove your impairment and help them give you a good settlement.
- You Can Do This. It’s not rocket science; it’s common sense.
- The Key to the Quality of Your Settlement is the quality of the medical information in your claim file.
- If you will never work again, you need information to prove a pension. You must get and put in your L&I claim file medical information to prove you deserve a pension
- If you will or have returned to work, get information to prove your Permanent Partial Disability in your claim file.
Just do it. If you need help getting started, check out Pension or Permanent Partial Disability (PPD) L&I Settlement. If you don’t know what to do, you may wish to talk to our L&I attorneys. Schedule a free consultation with us today. Get informed and make good decisions.
Show Me How an L&I Settlement Works (Alvin’s Story)
An example of how L&I PPD is calculated and paid.
Alvin is our injured worker. Alvin loses part of his little finger at work in August of 2022. Alvin finishes his medical care, returns to work, and is sent by his claims manager to an IME for a rating. The IME doctor concludes Alvin has lost 50% of his little finger. The claims manager goes to the WAC PPD schedule in effect for August 2022-2023 and sees that a little finger in 2022 has a PPD impairment value of $6,161.82, 50% of that is $3,080.91. The claims manager closes Alvin’s claim by order and sends Alvin a check for $3,080.91.
Does it matter how the injury affects your life and function?
Was it fair that Alvin lost half a finger and got $3,080.91? You decide; but think about this. What about two different Alvin’s? What if Alvin the Brut is a pro football lineman and doesn’t need his finger? – Fair? What if Alvin the Virtuoso is a concert pianist who needs this finger, but now, because he lost his finger, he can no longer work at the job he’d practiced all his life for? Is that fair? Understand this: the L&I PPD system doesn’t care who you are. A 50% little finger PPD is the same for everyone; it doesn’t matter how much the injury affects you.
What about fault and my job injury?
Does it make any difference if football player Alvin was at fault for stupidly injuring his finger in a careless, drunken post-game celebration when he broke a bottle of champagne over his head and cut his finger? What if pianist Alvin lost his finger through no fault of his own when his employer dropped the grand piano cover on his finger? They both get the same amount. Fault doesn’t matter because L&I is a no-fault system.
How to get a fair L&I PPD settlement.
So how do you and Alvin, the piano player, get a fair PPD settlement? Alvin hires our lawyers who gets a better PPD rating by sending Alvin to a real doctor for a thoughtful and accurate finger rating of 90%, allowing a PPD finger settlement of $5,545.64. We also recognize Alvin’s depression over losing his finger and his job. Alvin gets mental health treatment for depression and a category III rating, worth an additional $57,054.90. Alvin also is advised to take advantage of vocational rehabilitation and is trained in a new career as a band leader. Happy ending, or at least fair, considering the constraints of the system.
Want to get a fair settlement? Contact us
Can Washington State L&I Lawyers Help Me?
A free phone consultation with our L&I lawyers will answer that question. Smart L&I lawyers can easily assess where you are and what should be done next. Once you get their advice, you can DIY, or you can ask them if they will help you. Good workers’ compensation lawyers won’t take your case unless they believe they can improve your settlement. Initial consultations always are free. We can help you plan a smart course of action to get the best possible settlement. Contact us.
What is an L&I Pension?
If you cannot work again, and you can prove it, a pension will pay you time loss for the rest of your life. If you think this would help you, look at our Pension Page.
L&I PPD Settlement Video.
Learn more about L&I PPD Settlements by calling us or viewing our SETTLEMENT VIDEO