Seattle Pedestrian Accident Lawyers

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Home Seattle Personal Injury Attorneys Seattle Pedestrian Accident Lawyers

A pedestrian has no protection against a moving vehicle’s force and sheer mass. Injuries to pedestrians are frequently catastrophic or fatal. If you were injured in a pedestrian accident due to a driver’s negligent conduct, you deserve an explanation about how to recover compensation for your injuries and losses.

Pedestrian Injuries

Injuries to pedestrians often come from two sources. It is the classic double whammy:

  • The direct impact of the collision can break bones, tear ligaments, and cause deep cuts into soft tissue.
  • The impact often throws the pedestrian onto the sidewalk or street — or against nearby obstacles and structures — which results in additional injuries like traumatic brain injuries, concussions, and hemorrhaging.

Medical treatment is essential. If you are a pedestrian involved in an accident, seek medical treatment. Get medical care right away and later if you need it. Some types of pedestrian injuries, including brain injuries, may not be immediately apparent after the accident. Getting a complete medical evaluation from your doctor or at the hospital is the best way to ensure you are protected and learn the full extent of your injuries.

Who Pays for Pedestrian Injuries? An Introduction to Tort Law.

Pedestrian accidents in Washington State use tort law to determine who pays and how much. The person who was negligent and caused the accident is legally liable. If you’ve been in a pedestrian accident, proving your case requires demonstrating several legal propositions: negligence (fault), causation, and damages.

Proof of a driver’s negligence can be shown in many different ways, including showing their conduct that violated motor vehicle laws, such as:

  • Intoxication by alcohol or drugs
  • Distracted driving and inattention, such as cell phone use
  • Moving violations and failure to follow the rules of the road
  • Speeding or driving too fast for the conditions

Proof of Causation is showing that their negligence caused the accident. You do this with evidence which includes:

  • Eyewitness testimony, including your own
  • Videotape evidence (if available)
  • Physical evidence from the accident scene
  • Police report
  • Admissions against interest

Proof of Your Injuries is done with the medical testimony and records, including:

  • Medical bills
  • Doctor’s notes, reports, and testimony
  • Photos of your injuries

Pedestrian Accident Law

A pedestrian is defined in RCW 46.04.400 as “any person who is afoot or who is using a wheelchair, a power wheelchair, or a means of conveyance propelled by human power other than a bicycle.”

According to Washington State motor vehicle law, motorists must yield to pedestrians in crosswalks and on sidewalks. When a pedestrian is hit in a crosswalk, that law works in their favor.

Other important laws apply to pedestrians, such as:

  • Pedestrians shall not “dart out” in front of motor vehicles. RCW 46.61.235
  • Pedestrians are required to abide by traffic control signals and devices, like stop signs and stop lights. RCW 46.61.050
  • Where there are no sidewalks, pedestrians must walk facing traffic on the left side of the road or the shoulder, facing traffic. RCW 46.61.250
  • Pedestrians crossing at a point other than at an intersection are required to yield the right of way to vehicles. RCW 46.61.240

If your accident occurred while violating any of the laws applying to pedestrians, that fact can be used to establish that your negligence contributed to the accident.

  • Washington State applies a standard of comparative negligence in accident cases.
  • If your negligence contributed to the accident, your compensation will be reduced in proportion to the amount of your negligence.

Insurance Coverage in Pedestrian Accidents

  • Liability Insurance questions in pedestrian accidents can be complicated. Typically, in a Washington State accident case, the liability provisions of an auto insurance policy of the at-fault driver provide compensation to injured victims. That holds true in pedestrian accidents as well. But there may be additional insurance coverage.
  • PIP Insurance If you, a member of your household, or the at-fault driver have Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage in your own insurance policy, you may recover compensation for your medical expenses under that PIP coverage. The benefit of making a PIP claim is that you may receive reimbursement sooner than you will under the liability provisions of the at-fault driver’s policy. Get and read the insurance policy.
  • UM/UIM Insurance If your pedestrian accident was a hit-and-run accident, or if the responsible driver is uninsured or underinsured, you may be able to recover compensation under the Uninsured Motorist/Underinsured Motorist (UM/UIM) coverage in your own insurance policy or an insurance policy of a member of your household.
  • Crime victims coverage and L&I coverage are also available in some limited situations.

To summarize, depending on insurance policy coverage, you may be able to receive compensation for pedestrian accident injuries under:

  • The liability provisions of the at-fault driver’s policy
  • PIP provisions of the at-fault driver’s policy
  • PIP provisions in your own or a household member’s insurance policy
  • UM / UIM coverage in your own or a household member’s insurance policy
  • Your healthcare coverage
  • Crime victims
  • L&I claim if you were injured on the job

If you suffer serious injuries in a pedestrian accident, your attorneys will help you find and understand insurance coverage and all the available potential sources of recovery.

Should I Talk with Lawyers About My Pedestrian Accident?

If a pedestrian accident causes significant long-term injuries requiring extended medical treatment, you will benefit from talking with experienced personal injury attorneys. It is often unwise for a victim to speak to any insurance company or adjuster. Insurance adjusters are skilled at getting people to say things that are not good for their case. The insurance company aims to settle your claim for the lowest possible amount. Don’t let them do that to you.

Compensation in severe pedestrian accident cases includes more than just reimbursement for your medical expenses. You may be entitled to damages for:

  • Disability or permanent injuries
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Pain, suffering, and inconvenience

Knowledgeable personal injury attorneys will be able to explain fully how your facts fit the law and what you may be able to recover. You can call or write for a free consultation and case evaluation. You do not have to hire a lawyer to get a free consultation.

Meet Our Personal Injury Attorney

Cydney Campbell Webster

Cydney, a shareholder at GLP Attorneys, has been a successful personal injury lawyer since 1993. She specializes in cases in Seattle involving auto accidents, construction site injuries, and defective products. Her track record includes significant settlements, notably a $7 million case for a child injured in a playground incident.

Read More About Cydney Campbell Webster

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The Smart Way to Find Out If You Have a Good Case.

Get a free consultation from a personal injury lawyer: Tell us about your concerns, and let us show you smart choices you can make for your claim. At the end of the call, you will have fresh ideas and an action plan, no matter what you decide. You will know that you have taken essential steps to get your claim moving in the right direction. Protect yourself and your injury claim with a free case consultation.

Don't Guess

Don't guess about the value of your claim. Don't compare your claim to someone else's. You are unique. Your facts and your injuries make your case unique. Get an expert opinion about your claim from an experienced personal injury lawyer. Expertise counts, so use it to your advantage. Consultations are free. This free strategy session will help you understand what is happening and what to do.

Are Attorney Consultations Really Free?

Yes, they are free. Because both you and the attorney want to know if your case is any good. A free phone consultation or email gets that figured out quickly. Questions are answered for free, and no time is wasted. Call or email for legal help to determine what is going on with your insurance claim or medical situation and what you should do about it. A free consultation is going to help.