Seattle Dog Bite Lawyers – What to Do After a Dog Bite

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Home Seattle Personal Injury Attorneys Seattle Dog Bite Lawyers – What to Do After a Dog Bite

Man’s best friend or not, dogs bite people. As a result, trusting people are seriously injured by confused or vicious dogs every day. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, more than 4.5 million dog bites occur annually in the United States, with one in five incidents requiring medical attention. Often, irresponsible dog owners are to blame for the attack. For that reason, owners are held strictly responsible for their dog’s behavior in Washington State.

Expertise counts when advocating for victims of dog bites and other personal injuries. If a dog has bitten you, you are invited to consult with a lawyer for free who knows, understands, and will help you navigate our state’s dog bite law to receive the compensation you deserve. 

The Reality of Dog Bites

While most dogs don’t bite, the ones that do can cause serious injuries, scarring, and permanent disfigurement. 

Dog Bite Emergency Room Visits 

Source: National Library of Medicine. National Electronic Injury Surveillance System, 2005-2013

The above chart shows that the primary victims of aggressive dogs are young children due to their small stature and lack of understanding. Young boys are bitten most frequently. However, trusting adults are just as vulnerable to vicious dog attacks. Most dog bite injuries are inflicted on the victims’ hands, legs, and faces. In addition to physical damage, a dog attack can induce lasting emotional trauma.

While both the physical and emotional trauma caused by dog bites is extremely unfortunate, we must remember that when dogs are animals operating on instinct. When a dog bites a human, it often is a reaction:

  • In self-defense or defense of its territory
  • To being frightened or startled
  • To protect something valuable, such as a puppy, food, owner, or a toy
  • Because it feels sick or in pain
  • To over-excitement or over-stimulation

The best way to avoid these natural reactions is for owners to train and socialize their dogs correctly. Neglecting to do so increases the likelihood of aggressive behavior. Therefore, Washington State dog bite law assists victims in receiving just compensation by placing the burden of responsibility on dog owners. 

What Is The Average Dog Bite Injury Claim Worth?

Based on recent data from the Insurance Information Institute, Washington State ranked No. 11 in the nation with 425 dog bite claims, paying a total of $16M with an average cost per claim of $37,680.79. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, insurers paid $881M in dog bite injury claims in 2021, with an average claim value of $49,025. 

Types of Damages in Dog Bite Cases

When an individual suffers from a dog attack, they have the right to seek compensation for the damage caused by the attack. Dog bite victims can seek reimbursement for both economic and non-economic damages, including:

Economic DamagesNon-Economic Damages
Past and future medical expensesPhysical pain and suffering
Restorative and reconstructive surgeriesEmotional and mental pain and suffering
Physical rehabilitation and therapyPhysical disfigurement and impairment
Mental health counseling Lost consortium or other relational damages
Past and future lost wagesLost quality of life 
Future lost income or employment opportunities 
This could hurt!

What to Do About a Dog Bite?

If you or a loved one suffers a dog bite injury, the most crucial first step is to seek medical attention to tend to the injuries immediately. A dog bite can quickly become infected, and one can never be sure the dog has all its necessary vaccines and shots. Depending on the severity of the dog bite and your need to seek medical attention, there are a few steps to take immediately after the incident:

  1. Collect the personal information of the dog’s owner, including name, address, and phone number.
  2. Document the injuries sustained at an appropriate time.
  3. Speak to and collect witness information.
  4. Take notes of the incident as soon as possible before they fade from memory.

After seeking medical attention and collecting this information, you have at least two forms of recourse.

Administrative Recourse 

Call Animal Control in your county or city to file a report of the incident and share all the information collected. The dog will not necessarily be impounded based on your call. However, an officer will complete an investigation to ensure the dog is registered and vaccinated as a matter of public health and safety. 

Civil Recourse

After you’ve contacted Animal Control, you should consider taking civil action against the dog’s owner or the establishment in charge of the dog at the time of the incident.

You have a right to seek compensation for damages from the owner, individual, or the establishment harboring the dog at the time of the incident. To succeed, you must prove your losses in a personal injury lawsuit. Some steps that you can take to establish your loss include:

  • Seeking medical attention and building a recorded medical history of the incident
  • Getting detailed, close-up photos of your dog bite injuries
  • Involving animal control and/or the police when appropriate 
  • Determining who owns the dog together with contact information
  • Hiring an expert to evaluate and video the dog
  • Interviewing the dog’s veterinarian, dog sitter, dog walker, and neighbors

While it is possible to pursue a civil suit without the assistance of experienced lawyers, hiring Seattle dog bite attorneys may be your most effective course of action. Contact us to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation, and we will discuss what can be done. No charge.

Understanding Washington Dog Bite Law

Washington State dog bite laws are designed to help victims recover the damages inflicted by a dog owner’s negligence. There is no one free bite in Washington state. If you are bitten, you have a claim, subject to a couple of well-recognized defenses.

What Is Strict Liability?

Strict liability is a good law for dog bite victims. Washington State follows a strict liability statute that holds owners accountable when their dog injures someone. Strict liability allows a finding of liability (dog owner must pay) without requiring proof of negligence (fault). The strict liability statute eases the burden of proof, making it easier for the person bitten to seek compensation for their injuries, pain and suffering, and medical expenses. 

Types of Dog Bite Cases

The law around dog bite cases differs depending on who or what is bitten. There are two main categories of dog bite cases.

Dog Bites Person 

RCW 16.08.040 imposes strict liability on the owners of biting dogs in Washington State. It matters not whether the attacking dog had a propensity for viciousness or whether the owner had previous knowledge of the dog’s viciousness. If the dog attacks a person in a public place or on private property (including that of the owner) when lawfully invited, the victim is protected.

Dog Bites Dog

RCW 16.08.010 makes the owner or keeper of any dog in Washington State liable to the owner of any animal killed or injured by such a dog for the amount of damage it sustained and the costs of the collection.

Defenses Recognized by Washington State Law

While strict liability applies to dog owners in most circumstances, there are two situations in which the owner may be exempt from liability.


The owner may not be liable if the victim sustains a dog bite injury while illegally present on private property. RCW 16.08.050 states the victim must have “the express or implied consent of the owner” to be on the property.


RWC 16.08.060 states an owner is not liable for injuries to a person who provoked a dog attack. Although not explicitly defined, provocation, generally speaking, is any action taken to abuse, torture, or taunt an animal into acting aggressively. 

Small children (younger than six) cannot be found to have provoked a dog attack.

Should I Hire Seattle Dog Bite Lawyers to Help With My Case?

If you’ve suffered a dog bite and are wondering whether you should hire lawyers to assist with your case, consider the following

  • If your injuries are minor, you may better handle the case independently and without a lawyer.
  • If your injuries are significant, you should consult Seattle dog bite lawyers for their legal opinion of what you should do. Get an initial consultation. A smart law office will provide you with a free consultation.

Deciding to hire legal consultation requires a cost-benefit analysis. If you’ve sustained minor injuries, the financial cost of legal consultation likely will not justify the benefit of a relatively small settlement. 

Conversely, your personal injury settlement could be worth considerable money if you’ve sustained significant injuries. Therefore, the cost of legal fees justifies the benefit of securing a better settlement. Good lawyers charge a contingent legal fee.

Talk With a Lawyer Who Represents Dog Bite Victims in Washington State

The brilliant plan is to schedule a free consultation if you’ve suffered a dog bite or any personal injury. During that conversation, experienced legal professionals will gather pertinent information regarding your case and give you their honest opinions about your need for legal representation. The consultation won’t cost you anything, and you will walk away with a better understanding of how to proceed.

Call or write today to begin the process. We’ll happily answer your questions, share information, and help you understand dog bite law and procedure better. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it against the law to own a dog that you know bites people in Washington State?

This depends on where you live. For example, possessing dangerous dogs within city limits is illegal in Seattle. In other parts of Washington, the owner of the dog must:

  • Register the dangerous dog with the state
  • Confine the dangerous dog properly
  • Post adequate warning signs of a dangerous dog on the property
  • Take out a $250,000 bond against injuries the dangerous dog might inflict
  • Take out a $250,000 insurance policy against damages the dangerous dog might inflict

There are also numerous Washington State Statutes that regulate owners of dangerous and marauding dogs, including

Does the dog get one free bite?

No, the dog does not get a free bite. Under the previous Washington dog bite law, there was a trend toward allowing one free dog bite, under the rationale that the owner needed to know their dog had a propensity towards viciousness. Under current Washington State law, this is no longer true. Strict liability is imposed upon the biting dog owner when that victim is in a public place or lawfully on private property. 

What if I don’t want to sue my friend?

A dog bite victim will often agonize over what to do when the dog owner is a friend, neighbor, or family member. All persons involved in this are concerned about the dog and their relationship with the owner if a lawsuit is necessary. These are real concerns, and there are ways to work around them. Talk to us.

Will the dog owner have Insurance?

Some dog owners do have insurance, and others don’t.

Even if the owner has homeowners’ insurance, some insurance policies will exclude certain dangerous dog breeds. Other policies may exclude all dogs from coverage.

Policies that do cover dogs are typically liability policies and cover damage a dog does to non-household persons but not to family members or that household’s property.

Get the policy and read it to be sure.

How long do I have to file a dog bite claim?

A dog bite claim follows the same timeline as any other Washington State personal injury claim. Therefore, you must file a lawsuit or settle your claim within three years from the date of the negligence that caused the injury or two years if the attack was intentional. If you miss this deadline, you lose your claim. We recommend taking action quickly to ensure the most robust case possible.

Meet Our Personal Injury Attorney

Cydney Campbell Webster

Cydney, a shareholder at GLP Attorneys, has been a successful personal injury lawyer since 1993. She specializes in cases in Seattle involving auto accidents, construction site injuries, and defective products. Her track record includes significant settlements, notably a $7 million case for a child injured in a playground incident.

Read More About Cydney Campbell Webster

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