Personal Injury
Personal injury claims are usually different than job injuries. Personal injuries, such as an auto accident, involve bodily injury and property damage claims. They are handled under the liability laws of the state where the injury happened. To succeed, you must prove both fault and find assets or insurance. See personal injury.
Workers’ Compensation in Washington State (L&I)
Workers’ Compensation is for job injuries and occupational diseases. L&I Claims are Either injuries or Occupational Diseases. Workers’ Compensation is a no-fault system with specified benefits. Benefits include medical, wage, vocational, and disability benefits, but nothing for inconvenience, pain, or suffering.
Third-Party Claims
A third-party claim is a personal injury claim, together with an L&I claim, arising out of the same facts. When you have both a personal injury claim and a workers’ compensation claim, the personal injury claim is called a third-party claim. See: Third Party Claims In Washington State L&I
Federal Workers’ Compensation
The Federal Government through the Office of Workers Compensation Programs (OWCP) provides wage replacement benefits, medical treatment, vocational rehab, and other benefits to certain workers and their dependents. Their main programs are:
- Federal Employees Compensation Act for postal workers, federal park rangers, and other federal employees.
- The Energy of Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program for employees of the Department of Energy and others.
- Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act for Longshore workers, ship repair personnel, shipbuilders, and other edge-of-the-water employees.
- Defense Base Act for Workers Compensation protection to civilian employees working outside the United States on US military bases or under contract with the US Government for Public Works or National Defense.
- Black Lung Benefits Act provides benefits to coal miners and their eligible survivors of black lung disease.
- The Non-Appropriated Fund Instrumentalities Act. Provides coverage for civilian employees in a PX Exchange or related environment.
State Workers’ Compensation
Every state has its own workers’ compensation laws. Each state is different. Check out the laws of the state where you were injured.
Washington State Workers’ Compensation / Labor & Industries (L&I)
Washington State Department of Labor & Industries (L&I). The substantial majority of persons hurt on the job in the State of Washington have an L&I claim. Benefits include medical care, time loss compensation, permanent partial disability, vocational rehabilitation, pensions, and other payments. L&I manages state fund cases and presides over self-insured cases. More information at Things You Need To Know About L&I Claims
Social Security Administration
Social Security has numerous programs including:
- Social Security Disability (SSD) (SSDI) – Benefits to disabled persons who meet the disability, recent work, and duration of work tests.
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI) – Benefits to disabled adults and disabled children who have limited income and resources. SSI benefits are also payable to people 65 and older who meet the financial limits.
Injuries at Sea
The Jones Act and General Maritime Law cover injuries for seamen who have the requisite connection to a vessel.